Almost two years after the Görres Conference in Rome, the conferecene anthology is now published. It is entitled Das Buch der Päpste: Der Liber Pontificalis – ein Schlüsseldokument europäischer Geschichte edited by one of the ultimate authority on papal history, Klaus Herbers and a jung but very sharp scholar Matthias Simperl. I would like to thank Matthias for his help, support and all the effort he put in this volume. Also the typographer and book designer at Herder made an excellent job, the book is visually as appealing as it is content wise. The volume contains among many others also my somewhat technical, but instructive paper on the conception of the life of the early popes. The question whether the Liber pontificalis reflects a “global strategy or rather concerns of local bureucrats?” is clearly answered by the end. If you need a copy, drop me a line, I will send you the pdf.