Hippolytus-statue Images
Only very few images of the Hippolytus-statue are available on the internet and even less is public domain and/or published under Creative Commons license and therefore free to use. The list below contains all more or less high resolution images which I came across so far. Apart from the images provided by the Vatican Library, all pictures are published under Creative Commons licence and therefore free to use for non-commercial purposes. Is an image is missing? Let me know!
Canadian Centre for Architecture. “Hippolytus in the Lateran Museum.” Accessed September 17, 2021. https://www.cca.qc.ca/en/search/details/collection/object/13440.
Ferguson, Everett. “Statue of Hippolytus - List of Works.” Everett Ferguson Photo Collection, March 26, 2015. https://digitalcommons.acu.edu/ferguson_photos/2977.
Ferguson, Everett. “Statue of Hippolytus.” Everett Ferguson Photo Collection, March 26, 2015. https://digitalcommons.acu.edu/ferguson_photos/2976.
Ferguson, Everett. “Statue of Hippolytus.” Everett Ferguson Photo Collection, March 26, 2015. https://digitalcommons.acu.edu/ferguson_photos/2967.
Ferguson, Everett. “Statue of Hippolytus.” Everett Ferguson Photo Collection, July 16, 2015. https://digitalcommons.acu.edu/ferguson_photos/9446.
Ferguson, Everett. “Statue of Hippolytus.” Everett Ferguson Photo Collection, March 26, 2015. https://digitalcommons.acu.edu/ferguson_photos/2966.
KU Leuven. “Hippolytus.” Accessed September 22, 2021. https://repository.teneo.libis.be/delivery/DeliveryManagerServlet?dps_pid=IE2347249&.
KU Leuven. “Hippolytus.” Accessed September 22, 2021. https://repository.teneo.libis.be/delivery/DeliveryManagerServlet?dps_pid=IE2372870&.
“Vatican Library - BAVOA.240.” Accessed September 17, 2021. https://digi.vatlib.it/gds/detail/11052025.